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Sunday, April 1, 2012


As a person who is in the possition that I am in, I can only do one thing when I am faced with this. What "this" is, is irrelavent.
The only thing I can do is coincidentally also what I am the best at.
Fight, flight, or freeze?
Fight: I have never been much for confrontations. I have always backed down and gone in the other direction or frozen and let what was ever going to happen, happen.
Freeze: Not my typical response when faced with a threatening situation. If I freeze and allow it to happen, I am going to have to deal with that memory later on. I dont like dealing with past memories. It hurts me. It makes me feel what I was feeling then: pain, hurt, and anger.
Flight: I like this one. It allows me never to have to leave my comfort zone. By removing myself from a uncomfortable situation, I am obviously going to a place that I feel more comfortable at. By leaving, I wont get hurt in the long run. By leaving; I wont get attached, I wont be let down, I wont get taken advantage of, I wont loose trust (even though I wont gain any either.)
So that all said, I am picking up what little that I own and I am going to hit the road. I dont know where I am going. I guess I will find out when I get where I am going.


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WeedWitch said...
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Rodney Reames said...
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